VISODENT, led by Dr. Nikola Petricevic, has at it’s disposal a team of expert professionals specialized in the different fields of dentistry and implant dentistry. Our knowledge of the most recent and innovative methodologies, combined with the use of the equipment and materials of high quality and individual approach to each patient, are to ensure that your every need is met in the best way and in the shortest time possible. Visodent has advanced equipment, with particular attention to instrument sterilization and hygiene environment. Our services include diagnostic radiology and dental laboratory where the prosthesis are performed according to European standards with CE-certified biocompatible materials. Finishing the treatment, Visodent issues the certificate of the work, where there are shown the quality standards and the type of materials used.

VISODENT represents a team of dentists specialized in implantology, prosthodontics, oral medicine and orthodontics that continually follow current trends.

VISODENT Prof. Nikola Petričević

Nikola Petričević

Specialist in Prosthodontics and Implantology

Specialist in Prosthodontics and Implantology

DMD Nikola Petričević is a Professor at the Department of Prosthodontics, School of Dental Medicine, University of Zagreb. In 2009, he received PhD and specialisation in Prosthodontics from the School of Dental Medicine, University of Zagreb. In 2010 he did his specialty training in implantology at George Eastman dental hospital in Rome, supported by the ITI – International Team for Implantology.

The focus of his interest is implant and reconstructive dentistry, especially metal-free implants and reconstructive suprastructures and smile design of anterior aesthetic segment. Achieving high standards in Prosthodontics and Implantology is his primary goal. Therefore, he regularly attends national and international conferences (Bern, Geneva, Hong Kong, London, Barcelona, Cape Town) in order to continue his dental education.

DMD Petričević is a member of several professional organisations: International Team for Implantology (ITI), International College of Prosthodontists (ICP), European Prosthodontic Association (EPA), Croatian Anthropological Society, Croatian Prosthodontic Society etc.

He is also the author of several scientific and professional articles, and an active participant and guest presenter at numerous international and national conferences (ICP, EPA, ITI, BaSS, IADR and FDI). In 2014, DMD Petričević received Scientific Contribution Award by the Institute for Continuing Professional Development, Karlsruhe, Germany.

2024 / Italy / Modena / training course “Maxilla-For-All”

2023 / Croatia / Zagreb / 6. International Conference of the Croatian Society for Dental Prosthodontics

2022 / Italy / Rome / 19TH ESCD annual meeting – Digital trends in esthetic dentistry

VISODENT Dr. Deni Milevčić

Deni Milevčić

Born in 1967 in Split, Croatia. Graduated in 1993 from the School of Dental Medicine, University of Zagreb.

General dentist

Graduated in 1993 from the School of Dental Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia.

In 1993 started one-year internship at the Clinic of Public Health in Zagreb, where she passed the state exam the following year.

In 1999 she opened her first private dental practice in Split, specialising in cosmetic dentistry and dentures.

Member of Council of the Croatian Chamber of Dental Medicine.

Regularly attends numerous national and international conferences:

2023 / Germany / Koln / 40th International Dental Show IDS

2023 / Croatia / Rovinj / PPROZ – Program for raising the level of oral health

2022 / Germany / Munich / 63. Bavarian days of Dentistry

2022 / Italy / Rome / 19TH ESCD annual meeting – Digital trends in esthetic dentistry

2021 – Aesthetic Dental moment, Zadar, Croatia

2019 – 60. Bayerischer Zahnaerztetag, Muenchen

2018 – Competence in Aesthetics, Beograd (Ivoclar Vivadent)

2017 – FDI World Dental Congress, Madrid

2015 – Expert Symposium – European Association of Dental Implantologists (BDIZ-EDI), Koln

2013 – 7th European Congress of Implant Dentistry, Split, Croatia

2012 – International congress CNSARICT, Solaris Sibenik, Croatia

2011 – International Congress of Dental Medicine, Hvar, Croatia

2010 – 2 ° International Seminar Dental Excellence (Ivoclar Vivadent), Budapest, Hungary

2009 – Metal-free Crowns and Veneers Workshop, ICDE Liechtenstein


1991 – Internship at the local health unit in Zagreb, Pescenica

1992 – Doctor dentist at the military health unit

1999 – Private dental practice


A member of professional associations at national and international level: Croatian Chamber of Dentists, European Prosthodontic Association, International College of Prosthodontists.

VISODENT Prof Danica Juras specijalista

Danica Vidović Juras

Specialist in Oral Medicine/Oral Pathology

Specialist in Oral Medicine/Oral Pathology

DMD Danica Vidović Juras is an Assistant Professor, works as Head of Department in Oral Medicine/Oral Pathology and a consultant for immuno-compromised and oral cancer patients requiring oral/dental care at the University Dental Clinic, University Hospital Centre Zagreb. In 2012 she received PhD from the School of Dental Medicine, University of Zagreb. She has been awarded “European Association of Oral Medicine Travel Bursary Award” allowing her to broaden her knowledge and enrich experience in 2008 at Eastman Dental Hospital, University College London (Oral Medicine, Special Care Dentistry and Orofacial Pain Unit).

DMD Vidovic Juras treats Oral Medicine patients (mucosal lesions, salivary dysfunction and facial pain), and is involved in dental management of ?medically compromised patients. Some of the procedures DMD Vidović Juras performs include diagnosing and treating inflammatory and pre-cancer oral mucosal conditions, biopsies and minor surgical procedures, saliva studies, orofacial pain assessments, analysis of radiographs (x-rays), and oral preparation for cancer treatment and transplantation as well as management of oral complications of cancer treatment and transplantation.

DMD Vidović Juras is a member of several professional organisations: European Association of Oral Medicine (EAOM), the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer and the International Society of Oral Oncology (MASCC/ISOO) and some other scientific and professional associations. She is a vice president and a member of the Board of directors of Croatian Society for Oral Medicine and Pathology – Croatian Medical Association, and a board member of the Croatian Dental Society – Croatian Medical Association.
DMD Vidović Juras is the author of many articles, scientific and professional, in national and international journals. In order to continue her dental education she regularly participates at many national and international conferences (Berlin, Salzburg, London, Orlando, Zagreb…), where the results of her research or her clinical experiences are presented.

2024 / Turkey / Istanbul / Joint Meeting of The European Association of Oral Medicine (EAOM): Region V, The Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Society of Turkey and Dental School of Istanbul Okan University

2023 / United Kingdom / London / 16th Bienial Congress of the European Association of Oral Medicine

2022 / Macedonia / Skopje / Symposium

2022 / Symposium of the Croatian Society for Oral Medicine and Pathology of HLZ and Croatian societies for hospital dentistry/special care dentistry

2021 / Portugal / Porto / EAOM 15th Biennial Congress

2019 / Greece / Solun / 4th Panhellenic Oral Medicine Conference & 1st European Association of Oral Medicine (EAOM) Region 5 Meeting

2018 / Sweden / Gotenburg / 14th Biennial Congress of the European Association of Oral Medicine in conjunction with the World Workshop on Oral Medicine VII

Prof Ivan Puhar parodontolog

Ivan Puhar

Specialist in Periodontology

Specialist in Periodontology

DMD Ivan Puhar is an Professor at the Department of Periodontology, School of Dental Medicine, University of Zagreb. In 2013, he received his PhD in Periodontology at the School of Dental Medicine, University of Zagreb. During 2015/2016 he spent one year as an ITI scholar at the Implant Dentistry Department, Faculty of Dentistry, The University of Hong Kong, China.

The focus of his interest includes non-surgical and surgical periodontal therapy, with a special emphasis on aesthetics and predictable treatment outcomes. Patient-centered criteria are always leading his decision-making process for plastic and regenerative surgical procedures around teeth and implants.

DMD Puhar is a member of several professional organisations: International Team for Implantology (ITI), European Federation of Periodontology (EFP), Croatian Society of Periodontology (HPD-HLZ) and Croatian Medical Association (HLZ). He is the author and co-author of several scientific and professional articles, and also an active participant at many renowned national and international conferences (Hong Kong, London, Heidelberg, Vienna, Bern, Stockholm, Berlin).

2024 / Italy / Bologna / Advanced Course on Periodontal Regeneration around Teeth and Soft Tissue Augmentation around Implants

2023 / Croatia / Dubrovnik / 19th Biennial joint meeting of the International Academy of Periodontology (IAP) and the Croatian Society of Periodontology (HPD)

2023 / Croatia / Opatija/  AD sinergija

2023 / Croatia / Opatija / Reconstructive surgery around teeth and implants: Established concepts and new perspectives for clinicians

2022 / Croatia / Rovinj / Croatian periodontology days 2022 – Croatian Society of Periodontology (HPD-HLZ)

2022 / Denmark / Copenhagen / Europerio 10 – European Federation of Periodontology (EFP)

2019 / Croatia / Pula / Croatian periodontology days 2019 – Croatian Society of Periodontology (HPD-HLZ)

2018 / Netherland / Amsterdam / Europerio 9 – European Federation of Periodontology (EFP)

2016 / China / Hong Kong / ITI Education Week 2016 – International Team for Implantology (ITI)

2015 / England / London / Europerio 8 – European Federation of Periodontology (EFP)

Our team is our strength – our staff works with passion, commitment and professionalism to provide optimal solutions for the oral health of patients, in an atmosphere of mutual trust and cooperation.

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